Industry Command Center

plan takes command technology and information technology as the leading factor, connects the traffic police command center's "six-in-one system", "traffic integrated command platform", bayonet, video monitoring and other systems, and makes full use of small-pitch LED display technology, high-definition display and control technology, modern communication technology and visualization technology to create a super-high-score visual command platform for the traffic police industry.

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commercial window display

commercial window advertisements are mostly used in street shops, banks and other scenes, which are characterized by large flow of people and are the golden advertising space in the region;

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Creative Culture Tour Display

, with the continuous change of digital and scientific and technological technology, the immersive experience content of cultural tourism has entered the stage of deep development. Explore the cultural expression of scientific and technological innovation and explore the wonderful and unique world of digital innovation.

mainly serves the old city transformation and night economy, scenic spot upgrading and small town construction, urban renewal and cultural tourism complex and other fields.

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